Chess Education in Sri Lanka

CHESS has become a famous sport in the country and many are joining daily and it ever increasing. One of the main fact is that parents are very much interested on their child to have a solid tactical thinking pattern which generating with the game itself. When the child is growing with that thinking pattern, it is very much easy make decisions in their practical life. It also gives the ability to think forward and planning, contingencies, scarifications, defending, attacking & so many things.

Even during COVID19 pandemic period, there are online classes organizing and this game could be done even remotely as well. In some of the school's CHESS is included in the education curriculum and they allocated a teaching period during the school time. There are many tournaments organized by CHESS Associations, Ministry of sports Sri Lanka, Private institutions as well as School and Sport Clubs which helps CHESS Players to improve their skills and move forward. 

There are CHESS Coaches available if you are interested in Learning Chess Online and we will help you to find a reputed coach from Colombo or Kandy. Contact 0773 708506



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